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  In every lesson and for every teacher, time management is very essential. Managing the time wisely will be a great help in achieving the learning objectives and competencies of a particular topic. Time management will also help the teacher in managing the classroom well and in conducting the strategies and activities smoothly. However, it needs a well-planned time frame for every part of the lesson so that after the discussion, objectives are achieved, and  your chosen strategies are effective.

To assure the success of the implementation of the lesson and to create the best learning experiences I decided to have this time management strategy:


I always start the class on time. By doing this, I can follow the time frame that I allotted for every parts of the lesson.


I put time limit to every part of the lesson. e.g. motivation 3-5 minutes, Activity 15 minutes.

To assure that I will not consume much time in the activity I downloaded a 15-minutes digital clock.


I rehearse my lesson so that I will know if I can finish the discussion on time or not.

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